RENTAL - cake stands

How to Order

You can order from Custom Cake by Stef over the phone, via email, or in person but by appointment only!  I want your cake to be exactly the way you want, so I am happy to meet with you when designing it--preliminary information may be obtained before the scheduled appointment!  Please leave an email AND a phone number so I can contact you with your price quote or if more information is needed to create your custom cake! 

* Please place your smaller cake orders a MINIMUM of a full week prior to pick-up and at least three weeks for mulitple item orders and multi-tier cakes.  Orders with a shorter notice may be accepted but with an expedited fee (variable to the cake price quote, 25% +).  However, please call ahead:  limited orders are accepted.

Phone: 435.830.4714

Helpful Things to Know before Ordering your Custom Cake:
- Estimated budget and approximately what that permits
- Cake flavor preference, filling (for most cakes) and cake covering type
- Cake size or number of servings
- Cake shape -- square, round, specialty, etc.
- Number of tiers (take into account your servings preference)
- Colors (main and accents)
- Designs, theme, patterns, characters -- I'm happy to follow something exactly or to be given creative liberties.
- If wanting flowers, do you want synthetic, real or edible--cost will vary accordingly?
- What name and/or message do you want written on the cake?  Please spell out names when you order.
- Pick-up date and time (or delivery?)

I look forward to Making Fondant Memories at your next event.

Check (written out/payable to Stefanie Orgill)
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